Ruby Zoisite
Ruby Zoisite Meaning + Metaphysical Abilities:
Connects the heart and mind - allows the heart to show you what you want, but enables the mind to make a clear decision about what is best for the keeper.
Encourages its keeper to relax.
Great for those who are always "on the go". This crystal will encourage its keeper to take a step back and "smell the roses"
Provides confidence to its keeper in times when they feel they might be lacking in it.
If you feel like everything is crumbling down around you; Ruby Zoisite will show you how to cope with it. This crystal will also pull you out of certain situations which you do not need to be a part of.
Known to be a stone of luck.
Brings joy and happiness into its keepers’ life.
Brings comfort to those going through a hard time.
Promotes motivation.
Ruby Zoisite in Healing:
Beneficial for those who sometimes hate them self. This stone will encourage self-love. It will enable its keeper to see the things they like about them self, and shut down negative thoughts.
Shows its keeper that the past is the past. It shows them why the past. happened, but it will also allow the keeper to move on from what has happened and heal.
Great for emotional healing.
Brings its keeper a sense of belonging.
Encourages its keeper to feel a sense of harmony within all aspects of their life.
Balances emotions.