Strawberry Quartz
Strawberry Quartz Meaning + Metaphysical Abilities:
Most commonly described as a combined form of both clear quartz and rose quartz.
Provides its keeper with smooth, gentle, and calming vibes.
Feel like you're a bit too self-absorbed? Strawberry Quartz will help you to be more compassionate toward others.
Can act as a mirror; it will show you things about yourself you never knew.
Provides inspiration and the creation of new ideas.
Protects, nurtures and soothes its keeper.
Like Clear Quartz, Strawberry Quartz will help to amplify other crystals.
A great study mate! This crystal will enable you to keep focused on the task at hand.
Said to attract good luck.
Say goodbye to social anxiety when you have this crystal close by! It will encourage you to step out into the world and show it what you have to offer!
Have a family gathering coming up? Put this crystal in the centre of the room to help ease tension and to stop little arguments in their tracks.
Powerfully protective of its keeper.
Strawberry Quartz in Healing:
Gives its keeper the power to move on from traumatic memories.
Enables its keeper to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Can help strengthen the bond between a mother and child.
Stabilises moods.
Helps to bring chaotic relationships with family members, or close friends to peace and harmony.
Said to be beneficial for those struggling with depression.
Known to calm those going through panic attacks.
Promotes a general healthy lifestyle.