Smoky Quartz
Smoky Quartz Meaning + Metaphysical Abilities:
One of the most effective grounding + anchoring stones.
Has a strong link with the earth.
Great stress reliever.
Brings a positive energy to wherever the crystal is placed.
Encourages acceptance of one’s self.
Known to relieve night terrors.
Said to help manifest its keepers’ dreams.
Promotes concentration.
Amplifies healing abilities for those who work in that field.
Helps link its keeper to the higher realms.
Smoky Quartz in Healing:
This crystal is known to alleviate fear and depression.
It will help to instill a sense of peace for its keeper when going through any difficult situation or time in life.
Smoky Quartz is the perfect stone for those who are having horrifying thoughts about death and even suicide.
It will help to keep negative emotions at bay and allow positivity and happiness to sneak through emotional cracks.
Smoky Quartz is said to be particularly helpful for soreness of the abdomen, hips, and legs. It is a natural pain reliever and will reduce general aches and pains.