Kunzite Meaning + Metaphysical Abilities:
Kunzite is a fairly young gemstone and was only discovered in 1902 by gemstone specialist and jeweler George Frederick Kunz.
It’s a transparent and high luster stone. Kunzite gets its beautiful lilac-pink colors from the presence of manganese in the stone.
Kunzite will bring you inner peace and give you a high capacity for achieving wisdom and understanding.
It will calm all the noise and chaos in your life, and you will enjoy peace and serenity whenever you need it.
- It will make you focus on what you need to do so that you can achieve anything that you want to.
Kunzite in Healing:
Kunzite will strengthen heart muscles and boost your circulatory system. It will also be helpful to your skeletal and muscular system.
It’s a good stone that can assist you with your anxiety and depression. It can help you battle your addictions and your body deal with the effects of quitting your addictions.
It will aid in the treatment of anemia. Its energies are also good for treating any kind of inflammation or swelling.
Its healing energies are also good for throat, lungs, and brain issues.
Kunzite will also help your body achieve its natural hormonal balance.