Rhodonite Crystal Meaning + Metaphysical Abilities:
A powerful emotional balancer that nurtures love and encourages humanity.
Grounds energy.
Balances Yin-Yang energy.
Aids in achieving its keeper’s highest potential.
Promotes an un-selfish love and forgiveness attitude.
Prevents retaliation and blame.
Helps to build confidence.
Promotes remaining calm in upsetting situations.
Prevents retaliation and blame.
Helps its keeper to see both sides of an issue / problem and not jump to conclusions.
Rhodonite in Healing:
Has a strong resonance with forgiveness and assists in reconciliation after long-term pain and abuse.
A useful first aid stone - Rhodonite can help to heal emotional shock and panic.
Extremely beneficial for those who often have a pattern of self-destruction.
Can be used in past life healing.
Helps those to come to terms with abandonment - Rhodonite will also help to heal the scars from those issues.
Rhodonite is said to help heal wounds and to help relieve the symptoms of insect bites.
Often used as a fertility stone; Rhodonite encourages conception.
It is said to bring comfort for those suffering from; Emphysema, inflammation of joints and Arthritis.
Rhodonite is said to help remove bruises and skin damage.