Botswana Agate
Botswana Agate Meaning + Metaphysical Abilities:
Powerful Healer.
A crystal with a very gentle vibration.
Often described as a grandmother crystal - imagine the love your grandmother gives you, this is what this crystal will give to you.
Promotes harmony and peace.
Encourages you to explore unknown territory.
Returns negative energy back to the sender.
An easily programmed crystal.
Botswana Agate in Healing:
Use to overcome physical, emotional and mental poisoning or toxicity.
Helps to shut off obsessive thoughts and destructive thoughts.
Encourages its keeper to live a free life without restrictions and worry.
Assists smokers who are wanting to quit the habit.
Releases emotional repression and encourages a healthy way of expressing them.
Benefits those with depression.
Encourages detoxification of all sorts.

In spite of the fact that crystals have been used throughout history to treat medical and emotional ailments, the information in this blog should not be construed as medical advice. Furthermore, you should obey medical professionals' instructions based on their diagnoses.
Crystal healing should only be seen as supplemental.