Black Tourmaline


Black Tourmaline Meaning + Metaphysical Abilities: 

  • Cleanses, purifies and transforms dense energy into a lighter vibration.

  • Helps its keeper to find a solution for hard to deal with situations.

  • Attracts inspiration, compassion, tolerance and prosperity.

  • Aids in releasing stress and tension.

  • Known as a protective stone.

  • Often used in crystal gridding.

  • Enhances energy flow.

  • Often used for scrying.

  • Strong affinity with devic energies.

Black Tourmaline in Healing:

  • Tourmaline is known to help clear and cleanse the aura.

  • Removes blockages and disperses negative energies.

  • Enhances energy flow throughout the mind, body and spirit.

  • Forms a protective shield around its keepers’ body and energy in the hopes of keeping anything negative away. 

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In spite of the fact that crystals have been used throughout history to treat medical and emotional ailments, the information in this blog should not be construed as medical advice. Furthermore, you should obey medical professionals' instructions based on their diagnoses.
Crystal healing should only be seen as supplemental.