Blue Aragonite

Blue Aragonite Meaning + Metaphysical Abilities:
Blue Aragonite is a light turquoise blue variety of a calcium carbonate mineral that forms in the orthorhombic crystal system with acicular crystals.
It wil resonate with your heart, throat, or third eye chakra, which will give you a joyful, optimistic and comforting vibration.
It’s beautiful stone of hope that will assist you in becoming more compassionate in how you deal with other people. It will also help you relieve your stress.
This wonderful stone is a throat chakra stone that will support all types of communication, especially the communication that you receive from your spirit and from your spirit guides.
Blue Aragonite in Healing:
Blue Aragonite will help you sympathize more easily. This makes it a powerful stone for healers and spiritual teachers.
Crystal healers believe that Blue Aragonite can raise the vibrational energies in the body.
This stone can be beneficial in treating injuries, such as broken bones or nerve damage. It can also help ease spasms, twitching, and restlessness.
Blue Aragonite can also be helpful in treating chronic fatigue, and even hair loss. It can be very beneficial in treating insomnia.
It can improve calcium absorption and reduce the chills and pains that can be felt by the body.